Create new Supplier Bill / Expanse

The company bearing the costs (owner of the property). Abbreviations see ProLis column "Firma Ges-Kür" (e.g., ALS, ART, TKL, AAM, AAC). To be filled out by the project manager.
Business area within the company bearing the costs. Abbreviations see ProLis column "Ges-Bereich". To be filled out by accounting.
Project or process bearing the costs. Abbreviations see ProLis column "ProKür" or for property management see additionally FaMIS. To be filled out by the project manager or accounting.
Part of the project or process or additional information on the invoice. Appears after the creditor's name in the booking text and simplifies later control or readability of the account statement. To be filled out by the project manager.
Period in which the charged service was provided. If the service is not period-oriented, indicate completion of the service. To be filled out by the project manager.
Formal invoice check: Checking the invoice address, VAT number, VAT rate, and invoice date. Confirmed by signature (initials). To be filled out by MB.
Initials of the person responsible for this project or process, who is also responsible for content control. To be filled out by MB.
Content invoice check. With date and confirmed by signature (initials). To be filled out by the project manager.
To be filled out by accounting according to the account plan or by the property manager according to FaMIS.
To be filled out by accounting, based on the service period and adjusted for already booked accruals.
History of Input Bills
Company (Firma) Department (Bereich) Project Abbreviation (ProKür) Subproject (Teilprojekt) Service Period (Leistungsperiode) Formal Sign (Formale Signatur) Responsible (Verantwortlicher) Content Check (Inhaltliche Kontrolle) Construction Accounting (BauBu) Direct (Direkt) Account (Konto) Booking Period (Buchungs-Periode) Action Task Management