General Controls

The tenant list synchronization with Microsoft Business Central 365 is set to occur automatically once per day within the admin panel of our webpage. This automated process is designed to streamline data management, ensuring that any updates, modifications, or new additions to the tenant list are seamlessly integrated into the Business Central system. By scheduling synchronization to happen daily, our admin panel maintains accurate and up-to-date records, empowering administrators with the most current information for informed decision-making.

Unlike manual synchronization methods, which are prone to human error and can lead to delays in updating vital information, automatic synchronization provides a reliable and efficient solution. By eliminating the need for manual intervention, our system ensures consistency and reliability in data synchronization, saving valuable time and resources for administrators. This automation aligns with modern business practices, emphasizing agility and responsiveness, and allows our team to focus on core activities rather than manual data management tasks.

Last Sync: NaN

Tenant List - Financial / Rent Status
Meta Reservation ID Reservation ID Rental Object ID Rental Object Category Rental Object Main Tenant ID Name Last Name Base Price
Edit Tenants for Finance Software
User ID Name Lastname Apartment (Category.ObjectID) Notify Options