Create new ProKur Entry

Enter internal number for this ProKur. Example: 111
Enter the company abbreviation. Example: ALS
Enter the business area code. Example: LB
Enter the procurement code. Example: 000MZE
Enter the ADI code. Example: .A
Enter the TPO details. Example: - Mietrecht. Only for SubProjects
Enter the BaBu code. Example: kein
Enter the GL PV code. Example: TK
Enter the TL code. Example: JK
Enter the MA code. Example: A
Enter the country code. Example: CHE
Enter the postal code. Example: 6390
Enter the project location. Example: Engelberg
Enter the project title. Example: Mietzins-Erhöhungen
Enter the LK.Kon details.
Enter the LieGes details.
Enter the KT-Kür details. Example: 000MZE
Enter the dimension details.
Enter remarks or notes.
Enter the date of the entry. Example: 2024-07-01
Enter the status. Example: akt
aa ProKur List
Internal Number Ges Ges-Ber ProKür ADI TPO BaBu GLPV TLPL MA Land PLZ Ort.Projekt Projekttitel LK.Kon LieGes KT-Kür Dimension Bemerkungen Datum Stat PK-Kürzel Von-Bis Dim-Wert-Art Actions